一个, 机会联盟伙伴关系为低收入家庭提供急需的牙科护理

Rhianna Sweeney (Dental Hygiene, ’25) provides oral health tips to Andrew, 9, at the Portland WIC center run by The Opportunity Alliance.

“I like the dentist,5岁的罗伦娜·斯坦巴克一边说,一边把一把超大号的牙刷拖过一组同样超大号的模型牙齿的边缘. “They clean my teeth.”

Standback sat in a room at The Opportunity Alliance 在波特兰, 负责联邦妇女补充营养计划的机构, 婴儿, Children (WIC) in the city’s Bayside neighborhood. 她的母亲Dulceneia坐在旁边,抱着她4岁的小女儿玛雅. 

在这个下雨的星期四,三人来到中心,利用机会联盟(TOA)和美国国会之间开创性的合作伙伴关系 University of New England’s Department of Dental Hygiene. The two organizations have formed a weekly, no-cost dental clinic for WIC participants, 帮助家庭过上更健康的生活,否则成本和获得牙科保健将成为障碍.


“对这种类型的诊所的需求是无限的,”Garrett Richardson, IPDH, M.S.D.H., EFDA, assistant clinical professor of dental hygiene at 一个, 参考牙医在接受国家资助的保险方面的失误, a dearth of available translation services, transportation as barriers to care. “我们在波特兰的机会联盟/WIC看到的绝大多数患者都是弥补这些短缺缺口的人.”

Starting in 2023, Richardson and his students have provided dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, anticavity treatments, 以及在兰开斯特街WIC办公室对参与者进行口腔健康教育, seeing as many as four or five families per day. In that year alone, 他们为超过130名因经济拮据而可能放弃牙科治疗的人士提供急需的牙科护理, language barriers, 或者两者兼而有之——这个数字只会在这个学期的人数统计出来后增加. 

But the treatment doesn’t end at Lancaster Street. 

这在一定程度上要归功于东北三角洲牙科公司的资助以及与加州大学的合作, 洛杉矶, 一个-TOA诊所已将120多名参与者转介到“牙科之家”,“随着时间的推移,最能满足他们需求的初级牙科诊所. 

我们非常小心地将参与者安置在接受缅因州Care的中心, the state’s subsidized insurance plan, can accommodate their language needs. 东北三角洲牙科公司为参与者提供语言服务, about 65% of whom require a translator. Such services are accessed via a telephone in real time.

“我们能够为这些家庭提供的护理可以对他们孩子未来的口腔和整体身体健康产生巨大影响,” said Sarah Hall (Dental Hygiene, ’25), who comes to 一个 from her hometown of Raymond, 缅因州. “帮助这些家庭,将他们转介到牙科之家,并接受他们的保险,这是一次了不起的经历.” 

Anna Bullett, M.S., RD, LD, 机会联盟健康与营养高级主管, 他说,这些诊所对那些无法获得医疗服务的家庭来说是一个福音, 包括那些寻找牙医和卫生员的人,他们将接受新病人和医疗保险.

“There is a huge body of evidence from across the country proving dental hygiene services embedded in WIC offices reduces access barriers and improves oral health outcomes; it is an honor to be able to add Cumberland County, 缅因州, to that evidence,” Bullett remarked, “我很感谢我们与一个的合作,帮助我们为WIC参与者提供这一重要的护理.”

This is true for Dulceneia, 她最近带着五个孩子从波士顿搬到了缅因州,为了寻求牙科护理,她经历了一个又一个的候补名单.

“It’s been very difficult to find a dentist,” she told The Portland Press Herald during a recent clinic date. “This is a weight lifted off my shoulders.”

目前,免费牙科服务在学年期间每年提供约40周, 不过,理查森目前正与他的合作伙伴一起争取资金,以便在本科生传统上离开校园的夏季将诊所延长. 

我们的目标, Richardson said, 是在培训更多牙科保健员以满足日益增长的需求的同时,打破获得重要卫生保健服务的障碍. 

“这个诊所为我们的学生提供了一个改变别人生活的机会,如果没有这个诊所,这些人就不会有机会,他说. “我们一个永远感谢我们与机会联盟的合作. 这个组织对其参与者的健康和福利产生了巨大的影响, we are proud to be at their service.”

理查森补充说,这项服务可以让未来的牙科医生在另一种环境中学习, interact with culturally diverse populations, 与来自WIC和机会联盟的个案工作者进行跨专业合作, 并在他们的社区中创造改变——霍尔说,这些品质将使她成为一名更好的牙科保健师.

“在WIC提供护理给我留下了深刻的印象,并增加了我对患者护理的热情, especially those who are struggling to find dental homes,”她说。. “This experience is a phenomenal opportunity for these families, I am hopeful for this program to continue to grow.”

Dulceneia Standback与WIC诊所的牙科卫生工作人员和教师会面.