





帕梅拉·布鲁诺,英里每小时, is a 高级研究助理 contributing to statewide evaluation efforts at the 公共卫生卓越中心. Pamela has worked as lead evaluator for Maine Supplemental 营养 Assistance Program-教育 (SNAP-Ed) for the past ten years, tracking and measuring outcomes related to direct nutrition education as well as evaluating interventions designed to change community policies, 系统, and environments to increase nutrition security and healthy, 所有缅因州人的积极生活. She has also participated in a team evaluation of Maine CDC's federally-funded chronic disease program and health equity interventions, leading the diabetes prevention and management component.

在来正规澳门赌场网络之前, Pamela was the principal of her public health consulting business for 12 years, providing evaluation and strategic planning consultation for numerous public health agencies. 从2005年到2015年, Pamela provided evaluation consultation for the 健康y Maine Partnerships Initiative, using and advancing research and analysis skills while leading evaluation efforts related to obesity prevention and school health and providing consultation on tobacco evaluation activities. She also provided consultation for several Maine public health programs, including the former Maine Physical Activity, 营养, 和健康体重计划, where she lead evaluation efforts for the Maine SNAP-Ed 健康y Weight Awareness Campaign. Additional experience includes evaluating implementation of the public health initiatives Starting Young, 花时间!, 农村积极生活评估, 健康缅因步行网站, and Maine's Coordinated School 健康 Program.  

Prior to working as an independent consultant, Pamela worked for the Idaho State 健康 Department, coordinating primary health care and rural health care programs.  

Pamela is a graduate of 塔夫斯大学 and the Boston University School of Public 健康.



Boston University School of Public 健康



School 健康 Policies - Policy Strength and Association with 健康 and Academic Outcomes


Jini Puma博士,Jennie Quinlan公共卫生硕士, 帕梅拉·布鲁诺,公共卫生硕士,金伯利J.M. 凯勒博士 Karen Franck, PhD, Sue Ling Lim, MS, Carrie Draper, MSW, Emily Bergling, DrPH, Susan B. 福斯特,公共卫生硕士,注册会计师, First Analysis of Nationwide Trends in Use of the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework, December 2022, Journal of 营养 教育 and Behavior.

Examining Barriers to Diabetes Prevention and Management in Maine – A three-phase, multi-year study to inform equitable solutions, Lead Author, Poster Presentation, American Public 健康 Association Annual Meeting, November 2022.

Jini Puma, PhD, Max Young, 英里每小时, RD, Susan B. 福斯特,公共卫生硕士,注册会计师, Kimberly J.M. 凯勒博士 帕梅拉·布鲁诺, 英里每小时, Karen Franck, PhD, Andy Naja-Riese, MSPH The SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework: Nationwide Uptake and Implications for 营养 教育 Practice, December 2020, Journal of 营养 教育 and Behavior.

Andy Naja-Riese, MSPH, Kimberly J.M. 凯勒博士 帕梅拉·布鲁诺,公共卫生硕士,苏珊B. Foerster, 英里每小时, Jini Puma, PhD,等. The SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework: Demonstrating the Impact of a National Framework for 肥胖 Prevention in Low-Income Populations, 特殊的问题, “Food Access Among Low-Income Populations: Understanding the Potential Intersect of Diet, 肥胖, 食品不安全, 和饥饿,” Volume 9, Issue 5, October 2019, Translational Behavioral Medicine.

迈克尔W. Long, SD, Michele Polacsek, PhD, 帕梅拉·布鲁诺,公共卫生硕士,凯瑟琳M. 贾尔斯,公共卫生硕士,扎卡里·J. 沃德,公共卫生硕士,安吉·L. 克拉多克,理学博士,史蒂文·L. 马克博士 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Stakeholder Evaluation of 2 肥胖 Prevention Policies in Maine, US. Volume 51, Issue 10, November 2019, Journal of 营养 教育 and Behavior.

Morrill,., 布鲁诺,P.杜德兰,R.西尔斯,M。.等。, "A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluating School Policies." Poster presentation, American Evaluation Association (AEA)  Annual Meeting, October 2014.

O 'Brien L, Polacsek M, 麦克唐纳PB等。. Impact of a School 健康 Coordinator Intervention on 健康-Related School Policies and Student Behavior. Volume 80, Number 4, April 2010, Journal of School 健康, American School 健康 Association.

马丁,SL,缅因州D,马丁MW, 麦克唐纳PB, Polacsek M, Wigand D,等. 健康y Maine Partnerships: Policy and Environmental Changes. 6(2):A63 2009, Preventing Chronic Disease, CDC.



Evaluation of the 健康y Maine Partnerships Initiative - A Systems-Level Approach. Round table presentation, American Evaluation Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, October 2009. 


营养 Security, Equitable Evaluation